There are things I love to do and things I just can't stand! I can sit in a booth, at a mic, write in my rhyme books (sorry Sy, I just cannot bring myself to use my notepad in my phone. I keep forgetting what I put down in that shit... seriously, I have like 143 notes of... exactly. I don't freaking know.) Anyway, these are things I can do all day! But, sitting here, doing paperwork, data entry for my work...? BLAHHHHHHH... I seriously just want to shoot myself in the foot. Or chase butterflies. Chasing butterflies would definitely do it.
So, while I was sitting here trying to give myself a case of the A.D.D's (not to make fun of anyone with that disorder because I've seen people who have it and that stuff is very real) I decided to twitter my minutes away and noticed that I have a lot of women that I interact with that are AMAZING-and I have to say- I LOVE THAT! I love seeing strong, entrepreneurial women. Women who don't take no crap, just making it in this world. Doing for themselves, as opposed to waiting on some guy who will most likely NOT, have his shit together. Now, now, relax, boys, this isn't to say that I am about to go on a man-bashing rant/ (*looks around the room.. but, I'd like too ha ha). But, I can guarantee that if I ask every female friend I have about their experiences, as to what "types of guys" typically approach us, it would reflect a sort of opposite of the "knight in shining armor" effect. More so, the court jester.. with an ugly hat. With bells on it.
Anyway, I just wanted to say I love my sisters out there, keep doing your thing. I salute you! OK, OK. I'll hold off! No more "girl power" mantras tonight.
But, I did get to thinking.. (Uh oh... this is never good ha ha)
Why is it I always attract the stray dogs with the 3 legs? I mean, is there a sign on my forehead that says, hey! This one! Right here! She's got a soft spot for those defunct in manners, good intentions but if you offer up some good compliments and a 50/50 bedroom game.. she'll take a chance! Ugh. NO. Dating is a NON-OPTION for me.. INDEFINITELY. Not because of my bad experiences or because I am not craving any "Two Can Play That Game" reenactments any time soon, but because I'm focused. Dammit. Can't a girl just be focused? (And my manager told me I'm not allowed. No, really, she said that.)
So I'm at the bank, waiting for a teller and this "jester" decides to make a move. He, "strikes up a converstaion"... or rather, tries to... So, there I am, in agony over why his opener is about green leaf lettuce, I nod and smile. In my head, I'm thinking, who the hell opens with "You know... Green leaf lettuce didn't originate in the United States..." WTF. I mean... he's really doing this. WTF?! He carries on, NOT seeing my body language is facing away from him as if my whole being is trying to escape this oddball encounter and I start to laugh to myself. In fact, out loud. And, I never try to be rude. I mean, it took guts to talk about f**** green leaf lettuce! Finally after the history of green leaf lettuce turned to why he lives with his mom, borrows his sister's car, who's 17... I just couldn't take it anymore. Why was this line taking so long?! I never prayed so hard for my turn to come to the teller's window before in my life! And if I hear one more lettuce factoid, I will find lettuce and throw it at his face.
So calmly I said, hey, you're a nice guy, you seemed to have it all figured out, but you're 32, living with moms, driving sissy's car... not interested. But thanks. He follows with, here take my card.. (*I slap myself in the forehead) ok, well fine. So, I say, ok, well, gotta go they called me up next....
oh, by the way I'm allergic to green leaf lettuce.
Oh yeah strange one at the bank... I dodged your bullet. Thank you allergies. Thank you.