Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Long, long night of rehearsals. I'm a perfectionist, so making sure my set is right, for me, is key... It's a twenty minute set with approximately a melody of three songs for an upcoming show next month. The funny thing is, that once I get my set down, I usually get a phone call saying that I need to switch it around. HA! Eh, I'm not complaining, I actually find it amusing because this is the daily chaos I tend to encounter. I always play with my chords though and mess with the arrangement... Ah, the ways I entertain myself. =D

So to continue with the day's activities and its fairly jam-packed itinerary, rehearsals are done, and its time for my writing session for another song we are working on for the album. Then, knock out some drops and check emails. Yes, if it appears as though I'm juggling five different things at once, well that's because I usually am... And, if you're wondering when -or if- I ever sleep? Well... that's a negatory. I'll sleep when I'm dead. ha ha (Just kidding. I sleep... Sometimes. ) =P

"Treat yourself like a gift and God will continue to give you blessings in abundance." -Joel Olsteen


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