Sunday, September 29, 2013

Have you ever had to pee so freaking bad that you digress to that 8 year old little girl, holding herself, as if that's actually going to help stop the flow? Let me start by saying that, no, I didn't drink gallons of water at practice - Only small gulps to clear any mucus, dryness or the like from my throat. On my drive home I had to pee so bad it was like believing the Pacific Ocean could be held with only a kiddie pool.

So, let me back up a bit, first of all, in Los Angeles, if you are to be somewhere at a certain time, when the GPS tells you 32 minutes. It's a lie.  It's an hour. Even if you are only going seven miles. GPS says, 7 miles and approximately 18 minutes. Lying.  It's an hour. While, I have learned this, I have not put it to good practice. I think... "hm, it says only 28 minutes and 14 miles away? Oh, OK, Rita, let's leave around thirty minutes." Wrong. Lying GPS, it's an hour. And, I need to get in that damn car an hour beforehand. Learn the lesson Rita. Learn the freaking lesson. ha ha

Fast forward to being on the phone with my management and she's hearing me pulling off at every other exit to find a damn bathroom! What gives? First exit I tried took me directly into residential track homes. what the hell? So, I turn towards what looks like its a main road, but as I'm squinting to find a Circle K,  a Shell Station, a paddy wagon with a coffee cup I can utilize, I say  "screw this" and make a sharp u-turn to get right back on the freeway. I pass another exit, thank goodness I didn't take that one. It had NOTHING when I looked on the overpass.. maybe a pumpkin patch, which looked promising but I'm sure I would have gotten arrested for misusing a haystack as a port-a-potty. Next exit, I make my way off the freeway and see a Shell. YAY! Nope. Packed with cars, and no bathroom. Oh! Look, there's a Trader Joe's! Nope. There's a police officer directing "parking lot" traffic.... PARKING LOT TRAFFIC? Seriously? "Screw this" and sharp u-turn to get back on the freeway. But, as I'm breathing like a woman about to go into labor, I spot a Circle K. I ask my manager, they have to have a bathroom, right? She says, "yes, they should." So, I pull in, right next to some bushes. (yes... the thought of using the bushes as an option was at the forefront of my mind - I know, don't judge me. ha!) But, I make my way to the store, with a sad limp in my walk from not trying to pee myself and I asked the store clerk if there is a restroom and he says, "yes... but it's $5." We both laughed and I squirmed my way past him to, FINALLY, end this insanity.

So, rehearsal went great, I can't complain, working out some vocal imbalances to keep everything in check. And my crazy day is sure to continue.... =P

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