Saturday, October 5, 2013

Last night was so ridiculous! A couple days ago, my son lost his key. So, I took my house keys off my ring so he  could get in when I dropped him off. So, yesterday I went to pick him up from his game, locked the door behind me, and wouldn't you know it? ....yep, those house keys were sitting all by their lonesome on the counter, NOT, back on my key ring. So, literally, we were literally stuck, locked out.

Or were we? I called the building manager, and after calling three times to make sure I had the after hours number written down right,  then proceeded to call. Was on hold for... ohhh, 20 minutes. (Apparently, in the dead of night, there was an overabundance of calls. Right.) Then she gets on the phone and says, oh, well, we cannot let you into your apartment. I said, what? Yeah, we're not allowed. Um.. let me get this straight, I pay x amount of dollars to live here, I would be the one who needs to authorize entrance into my apartment to begin with, and you can't come let me in my own apartment? Oh, ok. I don't know what kind of horse s*** that was but, she was kind enough to offer up a number for a locksmith to call. Oh ok, so now I have to pay, who knows how much, for a damn locksmith? Are you going to reimburse me? She says, no. Ok, thanks for nothing. Click.

So, ok, I'll call AAA. I was transferred four times before someone could help me and the answer was, we can recommend a locksmith in your area for you. And you can call back tomorrow, and you might be able to get reimbursement. Aha. Ok, "call back", "might", yeah, I'm good. After about an hour and a half of this nonsense, we were finally able to get in. Good thing I had that crash course in cat burglary.

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