Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What the heck? I make my tea, it's too hot. So, I wait for it to cool down. Cold. I reheat it. Hot. I wait again.  Freaking cold. Waited too long. Try again. Reheat it once more. Too damn hot to drink. Again. Allow it to cool. Setting a timer this time. COLD again! Forget it. Grabbing water. Clearly, my little teapot. You, are a trouble maker.

Anyway... Between rehearsals, studio and writing, I haven't had much time for anything else. But, I did make my way to a small stage last night and after a little drinky drink, and they coerced me to messing around! (Not that hard really... I'm always up for a challenge lol)

Also, here's a still shot and a teeny sneak peek at the video for "Just Stay". I'm pretty excited about this and it already looks amazing! And this is just a shot from the editing room! This was a very giggly set... keeping our game face on during filming was a challenge! But, we did it! HA! It's always great to work with talented and focused people... I can't wait to show you! (I will say... my actor was pretty freaking hot though. If we need any retakes, I'll be there bright eyed and bushy tailed! HA!) Ok, ok, I won't talk about him like he's a piece of meat... *sigh ... but I want to!

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