Thursday, October 3, 2013

There's something to be said about the people who remain close to you as you change and grow. Even when you move into a different direction, via job, marriage, kids or whatever, you remain close to them. They keep you in check. They're there for you when you need to get your "ugly" cry out on their shoulders. And they support you when you're doing well also. I am grateful. I am blessed. I realize I have this in my life and they have been there from the jump. I can count on them and Im confident that they'll be there later on too. And I pray that I am that for them, in their lives, along their journeys too.

I had an amazing conversation with a very dear, close and personal friend of mine tonight. And he  reminded me to keep counting my blessings. Keep being open and giving to the world what I want to receive. And to keep working hard. There will always be speed bumps along the highways we choose. Stay focused and don't allow those distractions to be more than just silly old speed bumps. ha.

So, it's funny he used the word "distractions". I actually have those words - "no distractions" - written on my mirror. It may be silly to some, but for me, it's a reminder when I'm over thinking, or saying and doing things that aren't lining up with the bigger picture. It's takes a collage of smaller pictures to make the big picture you want to frame and hang on your wall. And, sometimes we grab a picture from here, a picture from there and then we set them down. Checking to see if the coffee has finished percolating, oh, there's a phone call, let me answer it, "I'll keep it short" we say to ourselves. Or I'll take the night off and spend it with my boyfriend, significant other, friends, or whatever can potentially be more than an innocent few minutes away from your work... next thing you know.  Your goals, your bigger picture, you have neglected because minutes turned into hours, hours turned into sleepovers, etc. And there are your few photos, still laying where you set them down. Waiting for you to piece them together and make this grand plan a reality. Stick to your plan. Follow your regimen that you have set for yourselves. Piece together your big picture, however small each piece. Eventually, you WILL get there.

I want to challenge my sisters to be empowered. To stay focused. NO DISTRACTIONS!  Whatever your goals, just let speed bumps be silly old speed bumps!

Meanwhile, the words "vulnerability" and "value" keep coming up in the conversations I have been having lately. I believe I will have to touch on those in another post down the road. As, I can tell you, they've already been put into a record I've written, stay tuned...


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