#1 Sweet Cookery. I'm cooking salad. Or bacon. Whichever. And, I've decided I've had enough of this debauchery. Wait for your counterpart to move into your kitchen space. Bloop. Bloop. Once your target is in range… bend over. That's it. Just bend over, make sure you're hair is covering your face a bit and make no sound but a soft grunt of disdain. He's going to instinctively come to you to make sure you are OK. You put your arm up just a little bit, as if it's a struggle to even do that, then you say you don't feel well. Leave everything. And make your way to the bathroom. Shut the door. And make some reference sounds of illness. Boom. He will either finish up your kitchen tasks or order pizza… Either way, you're free from it. You can milk this episode for a few days if you're smart about it. Play Candy Crush on silent on your phone for forty-five minutes… only opening the door like you're going to come to the light and then quickly disappear back inside the bathroom. Check your email, text your girlfriends, watch an episode of Big Bang Theory with your ear buds. You feel better only for a piece of that pizza and then your back in bed… fast asleep. The sickness clause. You're welcome.
#2 Co-Worker Wankers. Now, let me start by saying you should never play sick AT work. Why? You look weak, unreliable and mental. Which will never get you that promotion. Ground floor. Or pay raise. Broke bitch. And probably put you on unemployment. Really broke bitch. But, that being said, if you need some time off… or you want to get some asshole that sits at a desk near you, to get off your case, then you may want to instigate the achoo! clause. You don't want to grab lunch for your teammate? You're going to a doctors appointment. Why? You're sick and they can't find the reason for your never-ending pain. Ow. Maybe stress. In your head. Who knows. They won't ask you to pick up their lunch anymore because you're always at a nurse's station. Whining. Your boss wants you to stay late? Your kid has the measles. Holy crap. Or lice. Stay away. Or pink eye. Yikes. You can cling to these stories for up to two weeks. All these shout KEEP BACK, I'M CONTAGIOUS. Remember, use this one with caution. You gotta pay your rent.
Clearly, my confidantes, if you overuse these tactics… you will be found out. Use sparingly. Like salt. Only when you need it. If you're getting sick for two weeks a month, you might find yourself committed to a hospital, starting medications or worse… never being able to use the sickness clause again. Enjoy! My twisted little sickies!
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