Song Hog
My son and I love to sing along to all the songs in kid movies. It's a sickness really... And, our never-ending love of Disney's Frozen, is no exception. Stop rolling your eyes. In fact, it's so often that we engage in these harmonic melodies, that I can actually hear our neighbors disgruntled loathing as they hear the movie start through the walls. I'm pretty show they want to throw poo at us. That lion king-like song which still, after seeing the animated joy time and time again, does not fit into the movie. Not even a little bit. Nope. Not at all. Is that poo on my front porch? And usually we just kind of sing the songs when the mood strikes. So, get lively lucky neighbors, we found a sing along version of the movie by accident this weeknd. Oh yeah. Get pumped. Aren't you ecstatic?! Why are you grabbing a slingshot?
Oh my goodness, WE ARE in heaven. My sons popping the popcorn and I've made the hot cocoa. Yes, from scratch. I'm domestic like that. So my son hollers dibs on all the songs with Anna singing. I know its because it's the first song sung and she sings more than Elsa does in that song. No biggie, I'll be Elsa. Knowing Elsa has only two songs in the whole damn film, I'll take a back seat to revel in my sons happiness. Until the little knucklehead stole my first song. Which was the main song everyone knows... That's right "Let It Go." Well I cannot let it go... So I sang along to my part as he rudely sang my part. Don't choke on the popcorn, child. It's was the ugliest duet two people could ever have. So I took his next song. Boom. And he sang on it too. Duet disaster. But he didn't let me. Determined little spitfire. He sang louder. Fleeked it. Drowned me out. And I sang louder. How you like them gains son?! Oh crap, I think I pulled something. Or it was the popcorn kernel lodged in my throat. Nobody is singing in key. The neighbors love us even more now. Sarcasm. Oink. Oink. All song hogging aside, the laughter and hot chocolate all over the walls has made quite a memorable evening for us. Oooooo I know, I'll should've pulled out the karaoke machine. He can't out-volume stereo output. Next time. Mischievous giggle. Next time... I will put my evil plan into play. All the songs... Will be miiiine... Buwahhaahaha!
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