So, I better not be catching a cold! I have been sneezing the past few days and what I thought might be my allergies kicking up - yes, I am the epitome of a nerd, I'm allergic to practically everything. Thanks Dad - I assumed it was just the beginning of Fall, the changing weather and my allergies. Well, I don't get sick very often but, I think if I don't take my Emergen-C now, I may be in a bit of a pickle for not taking precautionary measures. I don't take anything stronger than an Advil for anything. My body for some reason just rejects it. (I know, I'm a weirdo.) So, I try to keep it as natural as possible. I do the whole organic thing, I juice my fruits and veggies every morning..... well, after my morning cup of coffee, that is. ha ha Without my coffee, I'm a nightmare. Anyone who is close to me on a daily basis can attest to this!
Anyway, we were supposed to get into the studio today but the producer just went on tour for a week with his cousin. I hope he has a good time. (I'm sincere in that wish, not being sarcastic.) Traveling, touring and being stuck in a bus with a bunch of strangers who become your family away from home is a fun thing. I enjoy it. I think anyone with a hint of gypsy in their blood enjoys it. Ha! I did a lot of traveling for my modeling stuff. I remember my first trip to New York. Gosh! Was that exciting! I was literally making my way around there like I'd been there before! Manhattan, Upper East Side, Brooklyn, Jersey, Times Square, Upper West Side... It was so great! And, the people who lived there actually were trying to guess what part of town I was from. It was a blast! My favorite spot there is Serendipity. I would buy property on the same street. That's how much I adore that little restaurant. I was there for a week and a half and wasn't able to get there until the day my flight was to bring me back home. I was so irritated because it's the one place I MUST go to every time I'm in NYC. (yes, before I even went to NEW YORK, I knew this would be my hot spot I gotta stop) I was seeing this guy and we would Facetime every day I was there and everything I saw and did I was like, "Baby! We have to do this together!" Especially, the carriage ride in Central Park or just walking around Times Square... gosh, I want to do those things in NYC with someone special. (mind you, as I was seeing these things, I was on a very tight schedule, so I was only able to see these things for maybe five seconds.) *sigh I'm such a hopeless romantic! This album we are working on right now will be reminiscent of these feelings (and maybe a little man-hatery on a couple cuts for the women out there who have been done in by some real douche bags... oops. ha ha) Find the "NICE GUY" ladies. I'm tired of seeing my sisters out there not honoring themselves and submitting to a man who isn't worthy of your grace.
And with that, I leave you guys for today, I have to work on my set. =-*