PROJECT: File Cabinet Redo. YOUR MISSION. Should you choose to accept it. Turn a plain Jane -UGLY ASS- file cabinet into something I can live with and NOT have to buy anything NEW! 

Initially, I wanted to dump this heavy piece of scrap metal. I mean, who needs this much file cabinet space anyway?! Unless you're stuffing a pinata into it… Or running a large business, with which, to store important documents; Otherwise, it's quite a useless piece of furniture. It's not like I plan on hiding a dingo in there or something. So, buying a cute little file box and downsize this oversized chard -for me- was the most likely of options. But, when faced with the idea of trying to bring new life to something old… I gotta say -in all my creative glory- I actually ADORE the results so much more than I would have, having to scour the retail trenches for anything that would come anywhere close to the satisfaction I am getting from this piece of, art gallery quality, fertile resourcefulness. Yes, indeed, I boast! But, hell, I have been stuck at home with the longest terms of eye infucktions, and freaking the boredom needed killing. Take that boredom! Bang! Pow! Boom!

I sanded, I wiped clean, I sprayed and I began the detailing process… When I looked online for design ideas though… I found nary a sweet looking motif that fit my glamorously detailed scheme. Polka dots? No. Stripes? No thanks. Plaid? Uh, definitely not. So, instead, I found a picture of a chandelier and had to free hand this sucker myself. I know, I know… This glitzy blueprint isn't going to fit everybody's taste. But, IDGAF. It's girly. It's glam. And it has Rita, written all over it. (Not literally, duh. Figure of speech people, keep strolling along with me here.) I'm in love with it and now I will have to reorganize this bastard so it can be put to some good use… Maybe now, I can finally house that litter of baby dinosaurs. Tired of them eating up my rhinestones. Pesky sparkle-pooing reptilian bastards.
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