Thursday, January 9, 2014

Pet peeve

I hate when someone texts you from a number you don't recognize and acts like "hey, how ya doin?" Wtf?! I'm pretty sure a couple of scenarios have been concluded as to why I don't recognize your number at this junket. 

1. I gave you my number and you waited so long to use my number I don't have you saved. Fail.

2. We exchanged numbers and I figured out you were full of s*** so didn't bother calling you.. Citing, again, why you aren't saved in my phone. And since clearly, you took so long to contact me, you probably had a different agenda. Which is why I don't remember you or your number. Fail.

3. You were a douche bag who did contact me and upon discovering this,  I swiftly tossed your number AND didn't bother saving it either. 

Dodged a bullet.

4. Last but definitely not least. If you were lucky enough to get my number, directly from me, and didn't use it within a few days. Game over. Epic fail. 

Moral of the story? Don't take a phone number you don't intend on using within a reasonable moment in time. If you just want to f***, say so. At least we won't  have to play the "what's up?" Charade with me responding to you by saying "who's this?" Stop the mind games. Your not that hot and clearly unmemorable. AND if you just be the nice normal guy your mother adores, it might get you somewhere... 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Altruistic Love

Roadblocks come in many different forms… They can come in the form of a literal, physical "roadblock" or they can be much  more subtle and manipulative. You can feel like you have finally found where you belong, yet, have no idea what underlying "roadblocks" are put in your path attempting to destruct everything you have been building. Ultimately, claiming your fate back to where you started. Not belonging anywhere. Or to anyone.  So many times we make great strides to find a sense of who we are and who is meant to be in our lives, and without warning, we are slam dunked into a black pit of sorrow and disdain of having gotten it "all wrong." Throwing out the wonders of our minds with deep curiosity and painful negotiation to NEVER put ourselves in that situation again… Or, the age-old revelation of, why on earth did I allow myself to get caught up in something where all the "red flags" were prevalent? To live with an open heart - with only honestly to run its breath - takes much more strength, endurance, and tears than, ANYONE, who can live in lies and deceit. Those who can callously "roadblock" the ones with only love in their heart do so because of their maniacal incentive to survive… feeding off those who altruistically love. Then there's the ones who live by doing "nothing"… by "allowing" things to happen around them so they can lay victim to what insidious occurrences run their course. Whether deliberate or passively, if you are a painstaking form of a "roadblock" you do not behave in love…

Turn it around. Find the altruistic behavior locked deep inside you. Hold the door open for others, let the car get in front of you easily on the highway that needs to merge, stop when you see someone who needs help. Teach a child to learn independent, compassionate habits that will last a lifetime. Because odds are karma will find it's way with you. Directly or indirectly. Karma can be good or bad. I choose to live altruistically... Regardless of the outcome. Do you?

Monday, January 6, 2014


I struggle with my patience today. For the most part, I just keep my nose to the grindstone and plug away at what I'm supposed to be doing with myself. I'm fairly a well adjusted person, generally happy in spirit, and can almost always find the light in a dim situation. Yet, I find myself struggling with what surrounds me as I make decisions based upon the facts shown to me.

They expect you to give your all, yet offer  …nothing.