Saturday, November 30, 2013

Today we released the "Just Stay" music video! So, excited! Huge thanks to everyone involved!! I know the payment in tacos is not a big incentive but you all got the job done and it looks great! Thanks a bunch! I can't wait to work with W.D.Lewis again, he was a great new director to work with and I enjoyed torturing him for two days! haha! Anyway, enjoy the video! It's amazing what tacos can buy these days! And, this won't be the last you will hear of W.D.Lewis, we're also teaming up again to shoot the music video for  "Chrismtastime." Super excited about that! So, check out the video, rate, comment, subscribe! I want to hear from you! Much love and support! Muah!!!

After getting a lot of work done the past couple days, I was able to let loose tonight and go out on the town. Which, in hindsight, may not have been the best course of action to get out and let off some steam. Douche bags were in full force tonight! Guys. STOP acting like idiots! We don't like that. Stupid come-on lines. Asking us if we want to go have sex with you. Feed us bullshit about your fancy cars and crap… which, at least to me, doesn't matter. I could give NO fucks about what kind of car you have. I'm willing bet you don't have a mortgage to match, so just knock it off. And let's say you say something witty, and you get our attention… then you go and screw it up by playing stupid games with our hearts. You fucktards. We are over it. If a chick cheats on you… I'd bet dollars to donuts that you deserved it. Well, for once, I'm off to beddie-bye tonight early. As exciting as seeing all the single people getting their drink on was… most definitely NOT, it was most definitely, too much for me to handle tonight. Night Y'all!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Upon the eve of the Thanksgiving holiday and the re-release of "Christmastime" single. I am feeling pretty thankful and blessed. Sure, we could always focus on the negative things in our world, as we all have those swirling around us, but why the heck would ya want to do that?! My family and are sharing in some good old fashioned sing-offs, homemade pies, and eggnog! Yum! …Drunken sing-offs is probably all you've deducted from the previous sentence. HA! You'd be spot on in your assumption! Anyway, it's always a good time, if you focus on that and not the redundant noise that some folks tend to put their energy, you're bound to have an amazing time in anything you do!

…And, I don't know who Farmer Grey is that they keep singing about in the "Sleigh Ride" song, but I can bet he's probably drunk too.

Friday, November 22, 2013

I'm a HUGE fan of Christmas. Huge. Not kidding… HUGE! I listen to all the radio stations playing holiday music, I watch every holiday movie (tv and movie theaters), I decorate like they do on the movie christmas vacation. I LOVE Christmas so much for so many reasons… i.e. because people tend to be nicer, better versions of themselves! because Santa is in the mall! because there's glittery shiny things everywhere you look! =P I hate to say this… but, before this entry is posted, I will more than likely have my tree up, decorated, and have baked 13 variations of holiday cookies, cakes and pies! (make that 21 variations… almost forgot about a couple of my favorites ha!)

I will say… it was a little early to see Christmas decor up in the stores before Halloween, but, then again… I have never shied away from a sausage and cheese sampler. NO Way! mmm…. Bristol Farms, how I love you.

Since today was my first day of celebration for the holidays! If you haven't had a chance to download "Christmastime" then go and do so today on for free for a limited time.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Watching someone self destruct because they cannot or do not want to face their very real fears and problems can be heartbreaking. Even more so when you care about them more than you thought you did or more than you ever thought you would. You want to show them what love really is and protect them from harm... Even if the harm is of their own doing. So, what do you do? If it's to sit idly by and watch their ever-spiraling downhill battle, then you are very wrong. Sometimes people are brought into your life at exactly the right moment when you both need to fulfill each other in very different ways but in very necessary ways, in essence, to protect each other... And quite frankly, maybe.. Save each other. Can one save another if they themselves are lost? I say yes. Yes, if each is lost in their own way. If each can offer what the other needs and lack what the other can potentially resolve. No one person is perfect. No one man or woman can live this life completely alone. So, why then, do people think they are doing themselves a service when putting themselves in harms way in order to escape their reality? To "escape" to an defeating loneliness that only love from  another can save them from. Whatever the case, find love. Take the risk. And don't be afraid. Sometimes what you are afraid of is exactly what you need... To survive it all... And find eternal happiness. Stop running. Let go. And allow yourself to fall to safety. 
Visiting with family is so fulfilling. My family is VERY small. But it's quality over quantity, isn't it? Finding people in your life that support each other and truly care about each other's lives is priceless, in my opinion. It's tragic that bad things and bad people find themselves into our lives. But sometimes we can't see the evil at work until it is too late. Stay together. Stay close. Keep supporting each other. Fight for what's right. That's what family is about. We live. We love. We fight for each other... And we laugh. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

While looking for some files in an old hard drive, I stumbled upon some old modeling photos. How fun, right?! Gosh, these had to be taken at least four years ago...

Slow start for me today... but after a nice, much needed, mini-vacay it's time to get back to reality! But, what's a reality worth living without canoeing, hiking, family & friends, and, of course, vino... gosh, so makes me feel like the holidays cannot come soon enough! I try to soak in those tiny moments in life that truly mean the most and make life worth living! Everyone usually gets so caught up in their lives that they forget to treasure the important things... like, time, loved ones, romance, silliness, etc.

Anyway, great meeting today with management. Naturally, after a long weekend, its time to get back to business matters. So, back to rehearsals, and studio work. Had a great introduction today with an amazing artist and I am so excited to be working with him, I think we will be able to create something pretty enthralling! Talented people attract talented people! Can't wait to Keep you posted on updates with that.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sullenistic tendencies
Alone for so long
Can't always adjust
That mentality, strong

A depth beyond words
A sea with no measure
Untimely and unseemly
There is no where I'd venture

Once, Out far away
I put on my mittens
There isn't a place
I would rather be missing

But you on your white horse
I, with my dress
Riding away in
Meteor showered sunsets

Removing masks
Old blood thoroughly washed
Thoughts of meant to be
Under my feet they're crushed

Broken apart the cornucopia
Like the mice torrent fields
Freely, unabandoned
unveil, all of me

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rehearsals were great today! But I swear if we don't get a guy out here who can PROPERLY tune this beast, I'm going to lose it! HA! It's frustrating to play a piano that's a little "off". Maybe I should take the time to learn to tune it myself... Hmmm food for thought.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Ever hear of a "soft opening?" Well, apparently at this restaurant I went to last night this is what they kept referring to everytime they didn't have a dish on their menu, or the fact that the staff was a two man gig, multi-tasking as the resident bartenders as well. The ever so candid waitress, when asked who the cook was, proceeds to tell us that the cook quit the night before and the owner was now screaming at the staff in the back while cooking the food himself. Mind you, this all coming from a server who had the look of a Glee character. So much a resemblance, that the question had to be asked if she does acting and she says, quite animated, "well I did theatre in school, but I can only lip-sync." Haha! What?! We were dying!!